Thursday, March 5, 2020

How To Play The Drums Without A Drum Kit

How To Play The Drums Without A Drum Kit Is It Possible To Learn To Play The Drums With No Drum Pads? ChaptersWhat Is A Small Drum Kit And Why Learn Drums With It?Learn Drums Anywhere With FreedrumMake Your Own Drum!There are plenty of people out there that play a musical instrument, from beginners up to advanced musicians, so if you are looking to start learning how to play the drums and develop your musical skills, then you’re in good company!However, if you are looking to take up drumming, it’s worth knowing that there are usually some fundamental things to take into consideration, such as:If you have enough space at home to accommodate a drum set;If the room your drum kit will be in is sufficiently soundproof;The style of drum kit you’d like;If you have enough money to make the initial investment in a drum kit; andIf you’re willing to pay for drum lessons to learn how to drum, whether they are online lessons or in-person.At first glance, it seems as though learning how to drum might cost a fair bit of money and space!However, the good news is that there are ways you can l earn how to drum without having all the drum parts or a full drum kit, or even a drum kit at all. This article outlines all you need to know about learning drumming this way.You can learn to play the drums on a small drum kit. (Image Source: CC0 1.0, Clker-Free-Vector-Images, Pixabay)It’s quiet. No-one will be able to complain that you’re making too much noise when drumming!;It’s compatible with many types of music software, which is great for anyone involved in composition; andIt’s adaptable, as it should work and let you play with whatever drumsticks you have to hand.Although such devices aren’t free, if you are drawn to the idea of being able to play the drums wherever you are, or want to play the drums but don’t have the space for your own drum kit, then learning to play the drums virtually could really be worth looking into.If you want to learn drums, you can always repurpose household objects and use them as drums. (Image Source: CC0 1.0, terimakasih0, Pixabay)Make Your Own Drum!Of course, if you’re looking for one of the most cost-effective ways of learning how to drum, you could simply make your own!You’ve more than likely seen musicians playing percussion instruments in the street, repurposing objects as varied as:Buckets;Pots and Pans; or evenPipes.Percussion instruments, and by extension drumming instruments, can be found all around us if you know where to look. If you’re a keen drummer, you’ll already know this, as more than likely you’ve caught yourself on occasion tapping your foot to a beat or using your hands to drum a tune on a table or surface.There are even some artists and musicians who have built their reputation on playing instruments that are out of the ordinary. One popular example would be STOMP, a show in which the performers transform a number of different everyday objects into percussion instruments to make music.Ultimately, if you’re committed to learning how to drum, it’s important to remember that you ca n still learn to play this instrument, even if you don’t have the budget or the space that would usually be required if you were to purchase a standard drum kit.Whether the idea of buying a small drum kit appeals to you, you’d rather learn to drum virtually, or you’re happy to learn more about drumming by repurposing everyday objects, it’s reassuring to know that you don’t have to encounter any barriers when learning how to drum and trying out different styles of music.Of course, once you have started learning how to drum, you might also want to consider whether you’d like to enlist the help of a tutor to help you learn how to play the  drums, whether you'd like help with your drumming technique or an upcoming drum solo, want to learn how to read music, or wish to improve your improvisation or ability to play along to a basic beat.Superprof has a wide network of tutors, including tutors who offer music lessons, including online drum lessons and beginner drum lessons. Jus t enter your postcode and the topic you’d like tuition on and you’ll be matched with relevant tutors in your area that can provide tuition, either remotely or in-person.So whether you want to become known as a famous drummer, such as Kenny Aronoff or Thomas Lang, or you'd simply like to improve your skill level through drumming lessons, having some extra help with a drum teacher along the way should help you improve your overall ability to play the drums and become a better musician!If you found this useful, why not check out our blogs on rock and roll drum kits, fusion kits, and jazz kits!

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